Marr Land Surveying
Thomas Marr has 30 years experience in land surveying. Whether you need to locate the boundaries of your property, get an improvement location certificate, or survey for new construction, you can have confidence that Marr Land Surveying can meet your needs.
What Are Your Surveying Needs?
Boundary – Monumented Land Survey
The largest investment most people make in their lives is property. Knowing what the boundaries of that property are allows the owner a piece of mind when doing costly improvements. The purpose of a Monumented Land Survey is to establish the lines of the defined...
Improvement Location Certificate
An Improvement Location Certificate is a survey often required when real estate is changing ownership. In most cases there is a mortgage involved or a title insurance policy is being issued. Improvement Location Certificate Assures No Encroachments The Improvement...
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
An ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey must adhere to a set of national standards put forth by the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors. These national standards establish a common standard for commercial real estate transactions....
Topographic Survey
A topographic survey is done when elevations of the property are needed. It can be used to determine contours, elevation on existing structures and to determine volumes. Topographic surveys are needed for site development. Topographic Survey - Establishing Data For...
Engineering Design Survey
An Engineering Design Survey is a detailed location of existing features and topography on a property that is being considered for development or redevelopment. It involves locating structures, utilities, roadway access points, drainage conditions and other visible...
Site Plan
A site plan is needed when improvements on an existing lot are to be added on to or when a new improvement is to be built. The Zoning and Planning regulations relative to the site determine what will be located during the survey. Buildings, driveways, fences,...